
Golden Poppies our State Wildflower

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


The main ingredient of  this dish is YOUR PATIENCE!!

The process cannot be hurried, so, if you have other things to  do, don't attempt this recipe!

The original recipe called for red onions, but brown or white ones work just fine and in place of balsamic vinegar*  use cider or red wine vinegar and add an extra 1tbsp dark brown sugar to the mix.

3 cups very thinly sliced onions (3-4  medium sized onions)
1/4 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 cup dark red wine
3tbsp balsamic vinegar* see above
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp fresh thyme minced (do not substitute, dried thyme, if you don't have the fresh, omit it)

Combine the onions and sugar in a heavy bottomed non stick skillet.
Cook over medium heat, slowly for 25-45 mins or until the onions turn golden, and begin to caramelize..stirring occasionally (do not keep stirring, or they won't caramelize).

Stir in the wine and vinegar and bring to boil, and cook until almost all the liquid has evaporated (about 15 mins) stirring well. Be careful of the steam the vinegar will make your eyes water.

Season with the salt & pepper and add the fresh thyme is using

Spoon into wide mouthed, sterilized hot jars and seal.
Process in boiling water for 10 mins for 1/2 pint jars.
remove from boiling water with tongs and place on  a wooden board and allow to cool, lids should pop, so secure more tightly when cool.

Store in a cool dark pace or even in the freezer

This is perfect with any roasted meat, chicken  or broiled fish.
Also goes perfectly with any cooked cheese dishes.

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